2016 Golf Outing, Glen Eagles Country Club-Wed. Aug. 3rd 9 a.m.

Glen Eagles

Dear Fellow Alumnus and Golfers,

Attached is the application for the 26th Annual Bourke/Mahoney Golf Outing. As in past years, we will again be solving the problems of the world while enjoying a round or two of golf.

This year’s outing is a double shotgun affair.

Both courses 288 golfers.
The cost remains $115 for Golf and $40 for Dinner/cocktails only.

Glen Eagles Golf Course is located at:

13070 McCarthy Road
Lemont, IL 60439
(630) 257-5466  Map and Directions

The goal is one person from each foursome to act as “captain” and coordinate money collection from the members in the foursome.
Singles are also encouraged and will be slotted with classmates.
Non graduates or “Friends of Leo” are welcome to participate

The format will be “Best Ball Scramble” which will speed up play and focus more on fun more than golf skills. All applications for foursome’s, and money must be turned in by July 16th 2016, with payments payable to “Leo Alumni Association”.
We need Sponsors
Cash donations, gifts and gift certificates.
All sponsors will be recognized on the day of the event.
Diamond Sponsor $500
Booster Club Sponsor $250
Lion Circle Sponsor $100
Gold Hole Sponsors $100

We are looking for Leo Businessmen interested in having an Advertisement Tent (not supplied) on a hole, with giveaways.
Only $100 donations required.

Click here to print application

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