Advertise in the Leo Ad Book and Become a Member of
the Leo Alumni Booster Club Now!
As a member of the Booster Club you will have your advertisement displayed to over 7, 000 roster members of our Alumni Association in our Newsletters and Website. It will also appear in the Leo Ad Book which is distributed to attendees of the Annual Banquet and will be listed on the sponsorship signs at our gold outing.
The price for membership in the Booster Club is only $250!! When you consider the past costs of a full-page ad in the Ad Book ($150), gold sponsorship ($75), coupled with the exposure of the newsletter and website, we are sure you will agree that this is truly a great “Bang For You Buck”.
Yes, please sign me up for membership in the LEO ALUMNI BOOSTER CLUB. Enclosed please find my check for $250. I have included my business card or similar-size message for inclusion in our newsletters. I understand that I will be contacted at the appropriate time for my ad for the annual Ad Book and for a message copy on the hole sponsorship signs for the golf outing. If you have any questions, contact Dan Stecich at (708) 951-1482 or Bob Cheval at (708) 990-2846.
Please click here to download the AD Book form and accompanying letter.