Annual Alumni Picnic 2014

PicnicFor many years now, the MEN of LEO CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL have held an annual cook out at Dan Ryan Woods for all alumni who have ever walked the halls of our beloved “Miracle on 79th Street.”

This year, we wanted to make it bigger, better, and more meaningful. The younger classes have mainly attended this event and I have encouraged those of us in the earlier years to attend this year. Our banquets of late have also seen the attendance of younger classes increasing at a nice clip, making the event even more of a success than it always has been. It would be great to see this same mix attending what has become a great “Alumni” event. Although we have always been small in numbers, Leo Men have always been strong in deeds and action, “Facta non Verba”. This year, we didn’t only want to get together to tell stories of the glory days, we wanted to be able to feed those who attend AND give back to the school.  Any extra monies collected will be returned to the school to further their extraordinary efforts.

August 3rd 2014 @ Dan Ryan Woods grove #2 11 am to 8pm. $25 for individual & $50 for families. Those prices included food and one alumni T-shirt. T shirt were sold for $20 if you did not want the meal.

Dan Stecich ‘75

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