Annual Bourke / Mahoney Golf Outing August 7, 2013


It is my pleasure to advise all of you that our recently completed golf outing was probably the biggest and most successful that we have ever had.  We had 260 paid golfers and over 280 for the dinner.  Four years ago, when I started running the golf outing, I had a dream, namely 2 full shotguns.  it has always seemed like just that, a dream, but now we are only 7 foursomes away and growing.  Many thanks to Jack Hannigan and the class of ’63 who carried out their banquet reunion to include the golf outing.  It is such a great idea, that hopefully, the class of ’64 will do the same thing and if Jack can bring back his guys maybe a dream is realized, who knows.

The auction was a big success both financially and in adding fun to the afternoon.  Many people contributed to the raffle tables but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Dan McGrath ’68 and Skip Strzelecki ’64 for their generous donations to our first ever auction.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the people who worked side by side with me on the committee, namely Larry Bahnaman ’60, Jim Farrell ’61 and Larry ’75 and Karen Lynch.

I look at it this way, we cleared over $10,000, which will pay for two young men to attend Leo High School and the only cost to us was 260 guys playing golf and having fun.  See you next year on August 6th.

-Rich Furlong ’59

Annual Bourke / Mahoney Golf Outing

In the past years we have been fortunate enough to have sponsors for golf hats, golf balls and towels that we include in the bags we hand out at the outing.  If you or a corporate sponsor you know would be interested in helping out please contact Rich Furlong at or 815.436.6345.  It saves the Alumni a considerable amount of money and means more for our Alma Mater.

Hole sponsorship ($55) includes acknowledgement with a sign. We are also looking for donations for our raffle: sporting event tickets, sports memorabilia, gift cards or a monetary donation.  Please contact Larry Lynch at or 312-444-3145.

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