Attention Classes of 1965 and 1990

Fellow Alumni,

1965 Cover


1990 Cover

I hope that you had the opportunity to attend our annual banquet this year and reconnect with some old friends. Once again we had a great year and that is in large part due to the commitment that so many of our fellow alumni put forth to make that possible. 2015 will be your Jubilee year and the Alumni Association is looking for Class Captains to help organize their year. We will assist you with the process, but we’ve found that direct contact from fellow classmates is the best way to get others to participate. In the past their have been a few class captains from each class and in fact our 50th Jubilee class this year had around 18. Whil

Best regards,e this was an unusually large number, the result was impressive, with almost all classmates located and 110 in attendance. Please contact me at 708.951.1482 or via email at if you are interested in helping make your Jubilee Banquet as enjoyable as the many we have had in the past. I look forward to hearing from you and to next years successful Banquet. Fact non Verba!

Dan Stecich ’75

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