Bourke / Mahoney Golf Outing 2014

2014 Bourke/ Mahoney Golf outing, WOW!Bourke / Mahoney Golf 2014

One of the pleasures of running the golf outing is being able to write this subsequent report on the outcome of that outing. It is my extreme pleasure to report that the outing was a total success.  First of all, the weather was beautiful (that was my responsibility) and in the upper 70’s with total sunshine.

We had over 250 golfers signed up and paid for, a record number. Adding to that number was another 15 dinner only alums and that brought our total for the day to almost 270 guys out to enjoy the day and the company of their fellow alumns.

I am also proud to report that we made a substantial amount of money which will be donated back to the school. The profit was due to many generous donations made which allowed for a great raffle and this was the second year that we had the auction. Apparently the guys like the auction because we almost doubled the amount of money earned from the first year  and that first year was great.

I would like to thank my golf committee  Karen Lynch, Larry Lynch , Larry Bahnaman and Jack Hannigan.

So get ready for August 5th, 2015 when we do it all over again.

Rich Furlong ‘59


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