Bourke / Mahoney Golf Outing Sponsors 2014

Sponsors 2013

Sponsors 2013

As you know Leo High School has been a strong presence on the south side since 1926. The economy and other contributing factors create a challenge to make our school accessible and affordable to our students and maintain the Leo Tradition of academic excellence.

Our annual golf outing is scheduled for Wednesday, August 6th.  This outing supports the Jack Howard scholarship and other needs of Leo High School.  In an effort to defray costs, we are hoping to secure sponsors or ½ sponsors for golf balls ($900.00), goody bags/ sign in gift ($4000.00), on course liquid refreshments ($900.00), and lunch on the course ($900.00).  The names of our supporters are displayed prominently on the day of the golf outing If you or an individual or business you know can help us with a sponsorship, please contact Larry Lynch (   312.804.1254 or Rich Furlong (  815.436.6345

Thank you,

Fact Non Verba

Leo Alumni Association

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