Francis W. McCann ’41

Francis McCann ’41

Francis W. McCann, a very supportive, loyal and hard working  Leo Alumni and father of 10 died in early this morning, September 20, 2013.   All four of Francis’  sons, Richard ’71, James ’72, John ’73 and Daniel ’76 attended Leo. He was know for his consistent active support of the school and the neighborhood.  Francis graduated from Leo High in 1941.  He was followed in subsequent years by his brothers Allen, Kenneth, Neil, Raymond, and Robert.

He was inducted into the Leo Alumni Association’s Hall of Fame in 2004.

Francis W. McCann, a 1941 track star and lightweight football player (Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Track 3 & 4 Lightweight Football) from St. Leo Parish. He worked as a federal inspector for Illinois Central Railroad after attending Armour Institute a.k.a. Illinois Institute of Technology.  Like too many of his generation Mr. McCann became the man of the house.  The son of a Chicago Policeman, Fran McCann lost his father as a boy and assumed the responsibilities of a father. Recognized for his athletic talents despite the constraints on his time, Fran McCann developed the sense of purpose that has been his life.  Mr. McCann has been active in the Alumni Association and Leo High School for most of his life.  In 1975-’76, Fran helped recruit players for Leo hockey.  He was Secretary of the Class of 1941 monthly luncheon and very active in the life of St. Thomas More Parish.

Funeral and other arrangements are being made through Sheehy Funeral home on 79th Street in Burbank, Illinois.

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