There was a Golf Outing – Aug 2nd 2017

The Leo Alumni Association hosted it’s largest golf outing in it’s history to date, on August 2, 2017 at Glen Eagles Golf Course in Lamont.  The weather cooperated, partly cloudy and the mid 80’s for excellent golf weather, combined with the wonderful planning done by Scott Fulwiler, Dennis Barista and with their team of Alumni and other helpers, including, on site volunteers, donors, sponsors, advertisers and other contributors to produce a true Leo event.   From the “Bloody Mary” bar for the hearty in the morning, to the last piece to depart the table after the silent auction, all seemed to run like a Swiss watch of golf fun and camaraderie among Alumni  attendees and their guests.  We know that Scott, Dennis and others will want to weigh in with commentary on this event so for this post we are simply presenting the photos.

Our Photos of this wonderful event can be found by clicking on the this link. Golf Outing 2017

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