James T. Aldworth, Class of 1957, Rest In Peace

The Leo Alumni Association was recently notified of the death of James Aldworth of the Class of 1957. James came to Leo from St. Leo Grammar school. James was very popular among his classmates and served as an officer for his class during his time at Leo. After Graduation James regularly supported the Leo Alumni Association and attended many of it’s functions.

Upon Graduation from Leo, James, earned his Bachelor’s Of Science in Commerce with high honors at DePaul University and subsequently, his Master of Business Administration. James went on to having an impressive work career which centered around employment at Standard Oil Company, which later became Amoco Oil Company. James had a fascinating personal life about which there is much information available in his obituary which can be accessed below.

The entire membership of the Alumni Association offers its prayers and condolences to James’s family, and to his close friends and associates at this time. For additional information, regarding James and his life his obituary can be accessed here.

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