Jim Furlong Guest Speaker at Gaelic Park 2008

Jim Furlong ‘65
Leo Man Guest Speaker at Gaelic Park
Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 2008

ON MEMORIAL DAY, Monday, May 26, 2008, Jim Furlong ‘65 was asked to speak at the memorial Day Ceremonies at Gaelic Park.  Jim was an appropriate choice as he is a Vietnam War Hero.  He received the Distinguished Service Cross, The Silver Star and Purple Hearts for his gallantry in action.  Jims topic was: “As  A War Veteran, What Does Memorial Day Mean To You?

To paraphrase Jim’s comments he felt we should always remember our veterans, not just on Memorial Day, but ALWAYS.  With that being said, do not be afraid to enjoy yourself.  Go to ball games, picnics, parades and all such festivities.  These were the very things that the veterans died protecting.  It was Jim’s thought that this would be greatly encouraged by those veterans if they could speak.

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