Join the Leo Graduation Caravan, Sunday May 9th

Leo Graduation Car Caravan

When : Sunday, May 9, 2021

Time 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm

Place: Leo 79th Street Lot to St. Margaret

Once again the Leo Alumni will live up to the School Motto: FACTA NON VERBA. Once again the Alumni are showing their school spirit by showing these soon-to-be Lion Alums what it it means to be a “Leo Alumnus”. We will be hosting a police-escorted Car Caravan from Leo to St. Margaret of Scotland Church for the graduation ceremony. Since this Pandemic started about 15 months ago, these Senior Lions have put up with many disruptions to their high school lives.. To show our support we’re going to decorate our cars. We will provide orange and black crepe paper and shoe polish and write cool slogans to adorn our cars to show school spirit. As the CPD escorts us from the school to the graduation we’ll honk our horns like crazy showing the world what Leo men are about. And because social distancing rules are still in effect, we are asking friends and family who can’t attend in person to join us in our celebration. Last year we had at least 30 cars join the caravan. As we circled the block several times the grads stood on the curb with huge smiles on their faces.

Okay, I hear you saying: “But it’s Mother’s Day.” So…bring your favorite girl with you. Let her snuggle up next to you like she did “back in the day”. (Too bad we don’t have bench seats like “back in the day”.) Then take your date and treat her to a meal afterwards. Perhaps a malt and burger at Melody Lane. If you have any questions contact Jim Furlong “65 at or at 630-699-4278. SEE YOU THERE

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