Leo Alumni Association Annual Golf Outing – August 2nd

Fellow  Alumni,

For those who are inclined, there is still a lot of time, between now and August 2nd, to help out the gentlemen who are putting together this year’s Leo Alumni Golf outing.  They have quite an event planned but will have to rely on us for assistance where we can.  The flyer below explains how you can help.  This year the golf outing is being expanded in several ways for the comfort and enjoyment of the participants and to help us promote Leo High School to our friends, in addition to our loyal alumni.

We are expecting a very large turnout and arrangements have been made to easily accommodate the group.  Please don’t, however, wait until the last minute to get your entry forms in.   Early entries will help things run most smoothly.  

Thanks for your support as always and see you at golf.

The Leo Alumni Association.  





Friends of Leo Are Welcome

Gleneagles Country Club – 13070 McCarthy Road
Lemont IL 60439

“Best Ball Scramble”

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017, 9:00 AM tee time

 Cost 125.00 per golfer, (For golfers who graduated in 1959 or prior, the cost is only $100 per golfer (50.00 for non-golfers for drinks and lunch).

Your golf fee includes 18 holes of golf, 1/2 cart (a golf cart) lunch and refreshments on the course, a special gift bag at check in, a buffet dinner and a 3 hour cocktail open bar. 

Loyal Sponsors Needed

  • Bloody Mary Bar                    $500.00
  • Lunch at Halfway House      $500.00
  • Golf Ball give-a-way              $500.00
  • Beverages on the Course     $500.00
  • Photo Sponsors                      $500.00
  • Hole Sponsors                        $100.00

                                         Donations Needed

  • Baskets, Bottles of Booze, Sports items of any kind
  • Golf Equipment, Tickets, Restaurant Gift Cards
  • Monetary donations always accepted

Over 300 Leo Alumni are expected to be in attendance at Golf Outing

Over 600 Leo Alumni attend Annual Banquet

Leo Alumni represent groups from the South and Southwest side.       

 The Golf outing Application can be found by clicking the following link, once printed and filled out, mail it with your check made out the Leo Alumni Association to the contact for the Alumni Golf outing:  

 Leo Alumni Golf   c/o Scott Fulwiler – 82 Iliad Drive – Tinley Park,IL 60677

Contact Scott Fulwiler  708 429 1896 slfullwiler@comcast.net  Dennis Barista at dBarista@AllianceSteel,net 312- 493-6100 or Larry Lynch at ljl7@ntrs.com or 219-229-9585 for more info.

The Leo alumni Association is a registered charity under Section 501( c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and our State Tax Exempt Number is available as needed upon request.   

2017 – Golf Outing Sign up Sheet

Leo Golf Sponsership 2017

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