Leo Boxers

Leo Boxer and future Captain of Team USA Lamar Fenner Defeated the Chechen Terrorist Tamerlan Tzarnaev in 2009;

The Link Below is to the Celtic Boxing Club and includes photos of  Leo’s 2010 Man of the Year Mike Joyce Training many of our Leo Boxers Boxers.  The Link includes photographs of President Obama meeting with Leo Boxers.

Chicago Boxer Fought Boston Bomb Suspect

Leo Boxing Club


  1. Rich Venckus 66' says

    Congratulations to USA Team Captain Lamar Fenner; you made us all proud. Is Lamar Fenner still involved in boxing? I would enjoy the opportunity to see him in action and give a great Leo man some support. We know Mr. Tzarnaev, unfortunately, went in an unfortunate direction. Lamar Fenner met his moment in history with honor and courage. Mr. Tzarnaev embraced the evil forces which seek our destruction as a nation, a faith and a civilization.

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