This year the Leo Alumni Association Vice President, John Gardner (Class of 1975)  delivered a box of documents he received from Joan Howard (a Member of the Leo High Hall of Fame) to the website administrators.  The box included papers which her late husband, the former Alumni President, John (Jack) Howard, had accumulated in regard to Leo.  The box has included a small treasure trove of interesting memorabilia which we will be including in appropriate locations on the Leo Website as we are able to allocate the time to do so.  Among the paperwork provided was a small orange book approximately 6 inches by 8 1/2 inches which is entitled in black lettering “LEO HIGH SCHOOL CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1930“.

The book is an original of the first yearbook issued by Leo High School.  It is a book of basic, straightforward and simple photos with captions of the first Class of Graduating Seniors from Leo High School, and the book, even in its simplicity is able to communicate the abundance of essential ingredients which Leo was infusing into its student which would likely be of such great help to them in their later life and which would set the foundation for the incredibly spirited future which Leo has enjoyed.

It is a book we have never before had access to, in part due to the timing of the development of the website in relation to Jack’s death. for those who are interested, we have reproduced the book for your viewing under the “Yearbooks” section of this website.  We are keeping the original in a safe place and we are maintaining a CD duplicate and will be providing a CD duplicate to the school in the very near future.

For those of you who have an accumulation of Leo High School Memorabilia which you would be willing to share, please contact the website administrators and we will be happy to work with you in obtaining and processing your material and to recognize you for your contribution.   We are particularly interested in material from Classes from the late 1990’s and early 2000’s some of which graduated without the benefit of yearbooks, a situation which we understand has been corrected in recent years.

Thank you for your continued interest in Leo High school.

The Leo High School Alumni Association.

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