Ride 2 Recovery, Charlie Callaghan ’63

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From October 4th through October 11th, 2014, Charlie biked 450 miles from Palo Alto, CA down the coast to West Los Angeles, CA to raise funds for wounded veterans.  The bikers 200 of them participated in the “Ride 2 Recover” to benefit mental and physical rehabilitaion programs for our wounded vets.  Charlie was able to raise $3200 for this cause.  He served in the US Marine Corps from 1964-1967 and served in Vietnam from 1965-1966.  During the ride Charlie wore a shirt honoring the following Leo men: Tom Stack ’60, Dave Fitzgerald ’63 and Fred Rave ’64.  These names were also stenciled on the top of Charlie’s helmet.  Charle has been able to overcome some health issues (heart and knees) to complete this event.  Charlie’s actions are a fine example of Leo men in action.  THANKS CHARLIE!!


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