A Successful Fundraiser for a Great Cause!

Mark Lee '85 at the July 26th fundraiser honoring his fallen brothers, Eric and Steven Lee

Mark Lee ’85 at the July 26th fundraiser honoring his fallen brothers, Eric and Steven Lee

Eric And Steven Lee Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser Party

Saturday was the day! Thanks again to all who have donated and purchased tickets in advance. Thanks to those who came out and paid at the door. We know you have plenty of other things to do and places to go, and you could easily spend that money on something else for you! We are honored that you will choose to come out to Meadows and spend time with us, and money on our cause.

Too often we complain about the violence and lack of knowledge in our community, and too often that’s all we do…complain. By coming out tonight, you are doing something. The money you are paying will be used to provide financial assistance to young people who are attempting to educate themselves and avoid the cycle of violence that is ravaging our city and took the lives of my brothers Eric and Steven Lee. The majority of the funds will be going to the scholarship fund of Leo High School, which provides financial assistance to those who might not be able to afford to attend one of the finest places in this city, for young men. It also will be used to encourage and support a few individuals, who may have had obstacles placed in their way, but are still striving to stay on the right path and seeking to improve themselves through education.

Always remember the motto of Leo High and our foundation, Facta Non Verba.

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