It Has Returned – The Leo Alumni Association Annual $100.00 Raffle Is Back!


Life is Cool as a Leo Man

As Leo Men, we understand that being open to, and in tune with, the opportunities that come our way is an important ingredient in maintaining ourselves as indomitable operators in a world of chaos. Consistent with this persona, and in response to the many inquiries we have received from the growing Leo Alumni Association Raffle Fan Base, we are pleased to announce that there will, indeed, be an 8th Annual set of Leo High School Alumni Association Raffles. This year’s raffles will include, the continuance of two extremely popular and sought after raffle and life enhancement opportunities, “The Main Event Raffle” and “The Bonus Raffle”, each of which will be held in conjunction with our Annual Banquet on April 25, 2025.

THE MAIN EVENT RAFFLE. This is the Big One, and still we are holding it to only 300 Tickets that will be sold. We have not yet received any major complaints about the fact that we are still only raffling off that same old thing, which is money, and in fact, we are even beginning to get a positive response. It seems $10,000 is an amount which most of our benefactors can become interested in, and they want to make sure they’re in the game. Tickets are only $100 and since there are only 300 tickets being sold, each ticket is a real possibility. Not to mention that there are substantial and noticeable other prizes (listed below), which are also of money. Of course, the net proceeds all go to the Alumni Association for use in continuing its mission of supporting Leo High School.

And, This Year, Once Again, In Response to the Ongoing Demand, There is Even More…….


If you Buy a Ticket or Tickets for the for the MAIN EVENT RAFFLE, you then become eligible to buy the THE SAME NUMBER of TICKETS for…..


What, you ask, is THE BONUS RAFFLE? Well that is a very timely question because this is the exact time we want to tell you about it. It is the raffle with the BEST ODDS WE EVER HAVE IN ANY OF OUR RAFFLES!

Only 150 Tickets will be sold for the bonus raffle and 66.66667% (we rounded up a bit) of the money collected will be returned as prizes. We only give out this high of a percentage of the proceeds as prizes in the bonus raffle. There are 6 prizes in total and because we are giving away such a large percentage of the proceeds as prizes that, it is a Very Good Deal. However, just like they say, the strong seem to get more…, For Those Who Want to Buy a Bonus Ticket, You Can Only Buy the Same Number (or fewer) of Bonus Raffle Tickets as You Buy in Main Event Raffle tickets. But then again, you are the Strong, so get your MAIN EVENT TICKETS and Buy the same number of BONUS RAFFLE TICKETS and put on your sun glasses and flash your money around (NIH Warning, Flashing Money should be limited to restricted times and places) and Be Cool and Have Some Fun!

Life is Cool as a Leo Man

Don’t put yourself in the horrible position of having to cover up from your friends the fact that that you don’t have a ticket and you aren’t even in the game because you waited too long. They will sense the weakness. Act quickly! Buy your MAIN EVENT ticket soon, very soon, now! Then, take the next step and buy a BONUS TICKET and become a full participant while the chance is still at hand. Get them while they last. Last year we fully sold out and if past experience holds, this year we will sell out even more quickly. We want you in!

Details and current purchase options are listed below. There is the online ticket option, (below) at, or telephone 708-910-1467 and if no one answers, leave a message and a very nice person will call you back and be very happy to sell you a ticket. Good Luck to All!


1st Prize………………………………..$10,000

2nd Prize………………………………..$2,500

3rd through 6th Prize……………..$500

1st Prize Ticket Seller ……………..$25


1st Prize……………………….,,,…….$7,500

2nd through 6th Prize…………..$500

Winner Need Not Be Present.  Prizes Awarded in order of tickets drawn.  Depending on the program length, winners may be drawn during the dinner and posted thereafter.  All unsold tickets will be entered into the Drawing in the Name of the Leo Alumni Association and drawn on behalf of the Association.  If the Alumni Association is Drawn for First Prize, the Prize will be re-drawn for another entry.  The Alumni Association can win any Prizes other than First Prize. Bonus Raffle Prizes Purchased Without Corresponding Main Event Ticket Purchases will be Reallocated to Main Event Tickets and Bonus Tickets to result in the Maximum Number of Allowable Bonus Tickets purchases (or we will contact you and ask what you’re up to to Mister)

For Ease of Purchase for a limited time (through Saturday, April 19th) you can purchase a raffle ticket IN PERSON OR BY MAIL AT 9231 S. ROBERTS ROAD, IN HICKORY HILLS. The staff at this location will be happy to sell you a ticket or to process your check for a ticket purchase according to your instructions.

ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ARE ACCEPTED, so when ordering if, like most people, you don’t have a Pay Pal Account, please proceed to the “pay using a credit or debit card button” on the bottom of the Second Page and order from there. Regarding Raffle Tickets: Your receipt from Paypal is your basic ticket purchase confirmation. We will ultimately be sending our Raffle Ticket Purchase confirmations to all. For the time being, this is being done on “an as” able basis, and we have sent out a notification to about the first 25% of purchasers. We expect to confirm all purchases by e-mail or other appropriate method by April 20th and daily thereafter. Thank you for your continuing patience.

What is your name?

What is your graduation class?

For those who bought a main event ticket:

What is your name?

How many main event raffle tickets did you buy?

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