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    1. Jiminez Allen says

      Had a late night at work and for some odd reason was thinking about LEO. This site is great and I enjoyed looking through old photos and the good times I had at LEO high school. It just makes me realize how LEO was such a turning point in my life at a very vulnerable time and how it made me who I am today. As I approach my retirement years I constantly wonder how I want to give back to this wonderful organization that mentored my brother and myself into being the fathers, leaders and men we are today.

    2. Anthony K. Reid (Tony Reid) says

      Hello Dear Leo Brothers!!! This is my first time seeing this site, and as I have been reflecting on my life of 61 years, I am happy to see that there is a Leo alumni association where I can try to find some of my Leo Brothers from our 1973 graduating class. I wish you all well, and if you are ever in the Northern California area, between San Francisco and Carmel, please feel free to contact me on Facebook. Anthony (Tony) Reid

    3. Ann McDonald says

      Where can I get copies of the team photos from the 1937 Kelly Bowl at Soldier Field? My husband’s father was a member of the tam and I would love to surprise him with some pictures.

    4. John La Rochelle says

      Attended Leo for two years (1962-1963) and had to transfer to Oak Lawn Community High School not because of academics, but for financial reasons. The two years at Leo made OLCHS a breeze, as I did well there because of the study habits that I learned at Leo. Is Alumni membership available to non-graduates?

    5. Candi Robb says

      My father passed away in Nov of 13. Dad was 93. He fathered & raised 4 children.

      He & mom were married 70 years. Dad was an avid sailor, a champion competitor.

      All 4 of us. Are Catholics, sailors & drive Fords. Dad worked for Ford

    6. John,
      Sorry about the late reply, our website administrator had some health issues. We would be happy to add you to our Alumni list if you are interested.

      Tom Lynch,
      President, Leo Alumni Association

    7. Hi Ann,

      We do have a lot of pictures form that event in electronic form. If you still want pictures, let us know.

      Tom Lynch

    8. John,

      We frequently have individuals who only attend Leo for a portion of their High School years who are “members” of the Leo Alumni Association or who, at a minimum attend our events. Feel free to attend events where you may meet some of your old friends or bring someone along to make it easier. Events, such as basketball games at the school, are a good opportunity to reconnect with your Leo past and meet friends.

      Tom L.

    9. Larry f burke says

      Lost my email
      Miss getting updates from alumni

    10. Dwayne Johnson-Cochran says

      This is the first time I’ve been to the Leo High School Website. It is very emotional seeing the photographs of my year (1976) and some of the people who attended with me. I’ve only been to two Banquets in the past few years and enjoyed them immensely. The school deserves all the accolades because of its longevity, committment to excellence and civic and community spirit. I currently live and work on the West coast but I plan on going back to the school to speak to the students when I am in Chicago in the near future. Go Leo

    11. My Grandfather Charles “Ty” Donnelly graduated from St. Leo High School. I am not exactly sure of the date, but it had to be somewhere between 1930 – 1945. Can you help me?

    12. WOW…today is special. Its Election day and another prayer was answered. I found one of my Leo Classmates on facebook after all these years…circa 1976. David Opelka my best friend all thru my years at Leo…..!

      Go Lions….!!!!!! The ole Orange and Black attack….LOL

    13. Karl E Pace says

      While Leo HS and I were not a good fit for each other at the time, so I only stayed one year. I’ve often thought of many of that freshmen class in September of 1972, and have come across many in years since and must say they grew up to be fine people. I’m proud to have met you.

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